Project Management for Municipal Districts

by | Aug 22, 2022 | Municipalities

Municipal government administration is a topic “as dry as a pixie stick in the summer sun,” but it is the factor that determines whether a local government operates at a low burden to taxpayers or has bloated budgets and is constantly behind in state compliance. Like many businesses in today’s economy, municipalities are faced with a dwindling pool of qualified employees to manage increasing operating costs and demand from state regulations. While increased salaries and bonuses offer a strong incentive for a government’s current employees, professional contract management offers more benefits at a lower cost without burning out existing employees. Special districts often operate on tight budgets that make the costs of a full-time employee unsustainable. Contract managers don’t require healthcare, training, or other human-resources related costs. 

BCS Management serves regional sewer districts, redevelopment commissions, and municipalities across the state with a robust suite of contract management services. Our municipal clients trust us with the responsibilities of decision making and operational tasks. They opt for contract management instead of additional employees because our firm can draw from the expertise of our entire staff at a price lower than full-time salaried employees. Municipal districts in small and medium-sized counties often don’t have the workload to occupy a full-time employee. Without a contract manager like BCS, municipal leaders are faced with the choice of saddling existing employees with district responsibilities outside of their normal job description or hiring a part-time employee to handle district’s business.

Unlike a single employee forced to be a jack of all trades, our firm has specialists in digital marketing, project management, regulatory compliance, and district operations. Under one management contract, the skills of our entire staff can be leveraged to complete any operational task. There is no need for a district to pay to train a single employee to handle a wide range of topics and specialties. Not only can BCS ensure that an experienced specialist is handling relevant operational tasks, but we can spread the workload and achieve faster turnaround times for urgent projects, maintenance emergencies, and customer service requests. The result is more value for the district’s time and money. 

If your organization would benefit from professional contract management, please email us at